Middle Chesapeake Sentinel Landscape – Nanticoke River


图片来源:Kerry Wixted

南提科克河是北美中大西洋沿岸无与伦比的生态和文化资源,是切萨皮克湾流域最原始的河流. The River runs from what is today central Delaware, through the Eastern Shore of 马里兰 and into the Chesapeake Bay. It was named after the Native American Indian tribe that originally settled the River. 流域的文化和历史遗产还包括丰富的生物多样性,为数百种全球稀有物种提供了栖息地, 威胁, and endangered species of plants and animals. 该流域的生态完整性已被国际公认为拉姆萨尔国际重要湿地, 全球重要鸟类区(IBA), 以及几个具有生态意义的北美地区,包括迁徙水禽的栖息地.

Despite the recognized cultural and ecological significance of the Nanticoke River, 发展的侵蚀, 海平面上升, 栖息地的退化, and fragmentation continue to threaten the river. In an effort to preserve these resources, 十大赌博正规老平台协会召集了包括非政府组织、州和联邦机构在内的合作伙伴,创建了一条受保护的土地走廊,该走廊将保留现有资源的价值,并实现到2050年保护切萨皮克湾流域50%的长期目标. 南提科克河流域被誉为景观保护的全球典范,33%的流域受到保护,不受开发.

十大赌博正规老平台 has served as a leader in the Nanticoke watershed, forging innovative private-public partnerships that to date have secured more than $3,393,从Mt. Cuba Foundation that have been matched with 状态 and federal dollars to protect over 3,485 acres of land within this watershed. 除了成为景观保护的典范之外,它还使我们更接近于到2050年保护50%的土地, 这些项目为缺乏这些资源的社区创造了急需的公共通道和兼容的娱乐机会. Not only does this help bolster local economies through tourism and recreation opportunities, 它也激励我们下一代的自然资源保护主义者保护存在于他们后院的自然和文化资源.

Nanticoke已经建立了一个由看似不可能的合作伙伴组成的网络,他们都有一个共同的使命,那就是保护整个流域的开放空间和资源. 美国.S. 帕塔克森特海军航空站的海军参与了南焦保护,以支持他们确保整个大西洋测试靶场的军事准备. 美国.S. 内政部帮助保护了黑水国家野生动物保护区的野生动物栖息地以及与之相关的其他自然资源. 美国.S. Department of Agriculture maintains a legacy of working lands through conservation and agricultural easements. 其他州机构包括马里兰州自然资源部和特拉华州自然资源和环境控制部. 此外,不同范围和规模的非政府组织都在流域投入了大量的资源和精力, recognizing the importance of conserving one of the regions last great treasures. 到目前为止, a network of protected lands in excess of 19,300 acres exists in the Nanticoke watershed today and partners continue to build on this impressive legacy of work.

图片来源:Peter Turcik
In 2016 a celebration was held for the acquisition of proprerty for Sussex County’s Nanticoke 野生动物 Area. Pictured, left to right: Jeff Downing, Mt. 古巴中心; Chuck Hunt, superintendent, NPS Chesapeake Bay Office; U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE); Governor Jack Markell; Capt. 斯科特斯达克, Naval Air Station Patuxent River commanding officer; Kristin Thomasgard, REPI program director; DNREC Secretary David Small; Joel Dunn, 十大赌博正规老平台 president and CEO; Chief Dennis Coker, 德拉瓦人部落.


国防部副部长.国防部副部长. 凯萨琳H. Hicks visits Mandala Pies during a visit to Vienna, 马里兰, April 22, 2021. (美国国防部图片.S. 空军上士. 布列塔尼的一个. 蔡斯凯瑟琳H. Hicks tours the Nanticoke River during a visit to Vienna, 马里兰, April 22, 2021. (美国国防部图片.S. 空军上士. 布列塔尼的一个. 追逐)



在地球日51周年之际, 十大赌博正规老平台 along with many valued partners welcomed Deputy 国防 Secretary 凯萨琳Hicks 在维也纳, 马里兰, as she visited the Middle Chesapeake Sentinel Landscape to highlight this Sentinel Landscape partnership.




十大赌博正规老平台 protected an additional 223 acres of farmland in the Nanticoke watershed. 的保护 also gifted a small urban park to the City of 希弗德, 特拉华州将作为一条连接德尔马瓦居民到南提科克河和切萨皮克湾的水路的起点.


十大赌博正规老平台协会筹集了1美元.500万美元用于保护额外的533英亩农田,这将有助于保护哨兵景观的乡村特色,并进一步履行联邦的使命, 状态, 非营利性合作伙伴.


The Department of 国防 (DoD) nationally competitive REPI挑战赛获得了100万美元的奖金 以帮助保护位于马里兰州南部新指定的帕塔克森特河海军航空站和大西洋测试范围哨兵景观以及南提科克河沿岸的土地.


十大赌博正规老平台 raised an additional $1.65 million to protect additional key properties along the Nanticoke River.

农业部, 国防, 内政部将南提科克河及其周边地区指定为切萨皮克中部哨兵景观.



十大赌博正规老平台 processed 1 m x 1 m, high resolution land use land cover data for the Nanticoke River watershed, enhancing decision making options for all of our partners.


十大赌博正规老平台协会筹集了1美元.5 million to protect key properties along the Nanticoke River.


On the heels of the establishment of the John Smith Chesapeake Trail, the U.S. 内政部, 特拉华州和马里兰州, and the 十大赌博正规老平台 signed an agreement to work together to protect the Nanticoke River.






保护协会支持马里兰州自然资源部(马里兰 Department of Natural Resources)收购维也纳海滨的一块小地产. This property has the unique position of accomplishing local, 状态, and federal conservation and recreational access goals by adding to the Vienna Greenbelt Project, 扩建维也纳滨河步道, helping protect important 野生动物 habitat in the nearby Mill Creek Natural Heritage Area, and enhancing the Captain John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道.


In 2012, with the Conservancy’s support, DNREC acquired one of the priority parcels for public access 位于南提科克河上. 这个0.5英亩的包裹, 叫做伍德兰码头, 沿着菲利普斯登陆点和西福德镇之间的八英里水路,是一个理想的中间接入点吗. The grand opening of this improved public access site took place in May 2019, featuring a boat dock with a canoe/kayak launch, 加上新的钢制舱壁. A new six-space parking area and shoreline fishing access with a bench and bike rake complete the project.


A new project began in 2018 at the site of the old J.B. Robinson Oyster House site along the 希弗德 River Walk.

在Mt的支持下. 古巴中心, 十大赌博正规老平台, 总部设在安纳波利斯的非营利组织, MD, 能买下近1英亩的滨水土地,并将其十大赌博正规老平台给西福德市,成为一个小型滨水公园,有皮划艇发射场和其他设施. 城市和十大赌博正规老平台协会与国家公园管理局切萨皮克湾办事处合作,方便公众进入河流.


根据约翰·史密斯切萨皮克步道的移动船夫指南,计划您的下一个冒险之旅. Find where you can launch your boat and learn about the river’s geography, 历史, 野生动物, and the best type of craft for boating excursions in each area.

Nanticoke Conservation Opportunity Analyst

“南焦保护机会分析师”帮助各组织确定流域内符合“保护标准”的区域的优先次序.” A panel of controls allows user to specify their level of interest in five categories: historical/cultural, 栖息地, 生态连接, 现有受保护土地, 而且要接近公众. By running the tool several times with different values, 用户可以快速了解区域优先级如何根据他们的偏好变化,以及哪些景观被持续确定为高价值.

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